
at a loss as to what to think, say, or do; bewildered

Also spelled nonplussed. This word is cool because there is no such word as plused, or plussed. Just nonplused. Or nonplussed.

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3 Responses to nonplused

  1. hcq says:

    The reason there is “no such word as plused…” is because “nonplused” comes from the Latin “non plus,” “no more,” the implication being that the individual is at a loss for words.

  2. lthomas2 says:

    THANK YOU. Thank you. Every time I hear someone misuse this word (which is 9 times out of 10) I want to scream, “NON. PLUS. No more!! That means you can’t take anymore!” Pretty much the opposite of “unimpressed,” which is how most people use it. It’s gotten to point that I never use the word myself because most people would either think I was crazy for using it in the correct context (incorrect in their minds), or snooty for trying to make a point (not too far from the truth). It’s gotten almost as bad as “irregardless.” God help us.

  3. Quacker says:

    Usage determines language. It appears that eventually, nonplus will be recognized for the now errant definition. So if you have not yet gotten over it yet, in time you will.

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