Calling All iPhone Users

I finally got my very own iPhone this weekend, and I’m very excited about it.

A lot of my geek friends are talking about the Android-based phones now and some are even acting like the iPhones are a bit passé, but I don’t care. This thing is slick. It sure beats the pants off of my old Motorola. The extent of that crummy old thing’s “smart phone” capability was some “web browsing” feature that I’d have to pay a buck for every once in a while when my thumb would land a centimeter away from its intended target.

My wife thinks I’m an early adopter, but in this case at least, I’m much closer to the long tail than the bleeding edge. I’ve been trying to figure out which apps to get, but I must admit I’m a little lost. I need your help! Here is what I have so far:

  • News Apps: New York Times, BBC, and NPR
  • Reference: IMDb, Wikipedia Mobile, YellowPages
  • Google Apps
  • SimpleNote
  • TweetDeck
  • InstaPaper
  • Dropbox
  • 1Password
  • Pandora
  • Skype

So, tell me: What am I missing? Which apps are your “must haves”? Which ones do you use all the time?

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14 Responses to Calling All iPhone Users

  1. Jack Baty says:

    Looks like you’ve got the gotta-haves covered (Instapaper and SimpleNote)

    I like Reeder for my RSS feeds

    iSSH or pTerm for remote terminal

    NightStand for my alarm

    GPS Drive for turn-by-turn GPS (by MotionX)

    Cool new phone!

  2. hij1nx says:

    I like the following…

    Gernal Apps
    Twitter (i prefer it to tweetdeck)
    Wolfram (very well done app)
    ToDo (compliments the calendar app, but adds tons of features)
    Wikipanion (wikipedia client)

    CameraBag (some very tasteful effects for your photo lib)
    CinemaFXV (great effects for short videos)

    FourTrack (a very usable four track for recording music)
    Decibel (measure levels)
    Dragon (incredibly smart dictation software)

    There are a ton of lonely planet apps that ROCK
    when im in the bay area i use iBart, and in NYC i use hopstop

  3. Paul VanderLei says:

    Weather Channel app has great radar view.
    Best app ever: Siri. Thank me later.

  4. Dad says:

    What’s an app?

  5. Karl Swedberg says:

    Thanks, everyone, for the recommendations so far. Looks like some great stuff.

  6. Jenny says:

    I waaaaaaant one! *whine*

  7. micheal says:

    What is iPhone? Motorola c350 is much better :)
    Seriously, i like different games, try poker or avalanche :)

  8. Angus90 says:

    User Dad:

    An App stands for an Application. It’s what apple shortened their software to be called. It’s supposed to sound ‘trendy’ and I guess that it’s better than always calling it an application.

    If your into games then:

    -Angry Birds
    -Zen Bound

  9. Pamela says:

    Hi Karl,

    Great app ideas, thanks for posting! Just a couple of superfluous ones to add:

    Words Free – a scrabble game, contact me to play when you set it up!
    CheckWord – just a yes/no if a word is legit in scrabble. but no definitions:(
    doodlejump – for the kids to play


  10. Rachel Rui says:

    I have Urban Spoon for food, Flight for travel, I also use Zillow to look at real estate and for news, I have CNN besides the ones you already installed.

    I love IPhone!

  11. Karl Swedberg says:

    Excellent recommendations! Thanks, all. Two more that I have recently purchased and love are Calvetica and Due.

  12. Tom Geelhoed says:

    I’m in the market for a new phone. A year and a half later; iPhone or Droid?

  13. Tashina Field says:

    Kindle!!! I love, love, love my Kindle app. :)

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