Everything I See Is Blue and Green

A couple weeks ago my daughter put on for the first time a beautiful dress that friends of ours had given her. I loved the pattern, and I loved the colors—blue and green. In fact, I decided to redesign my website using the dress as a color palette. Bright greens. Bright blues. Maybe a dash of yellow. All very spring-like. Fresh, youthful, fun.

Ben and Lucy wearing blue and green

But then something strange started to happen to me that made me question my decision. Everything I saw, it seemed, turned blue and green. A new cup appeared in the kitchen, a clear plastic cup with blue and green flowers on it. Our neighbors’ boy walked outside wearing a brand new blue and green shirt. A row of stores up the street from where I work got a set of new blue and green signs. Sara went to Target and came back with bath toys for the kids, rubber squirty shapes in blue and green and yellow.

Was it just me? Was I just seeing blue and green everywhere because I was thinking about it so much? Probably. But the other night when I looked over Sara’s shoulder and saw the housewares catalog she was leafing through, I recoiled in horror. On the page were plates and cups and forks and spoons, all in blue and green!

Later that same night, I showed Sara the new look for my website. I was still feeling a little shaken, and her reaction did nothing to dispel my fear. “Too trendy,” she said.

So much for the new look.

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8 Responses to Everything I See Is Blue and Green

  1. Dad says:

    What’s the matter, no courage of your convictions? Or maybe you’re convicted by Sara’s discouragement….

  2. Aunt Ginny says:

    Leave it to you to spot a trend, Karl. Face it. You’ve always been a happenin’ guy! Trendy at the mall lately is orange and green everywhere you look. Slightly different bandwagon.
    Priceless photo of the kids. I like the spot of red as Ben proudly wears his Pentecost flame.

  3. Cynthia/Mom/Gram says:

    Life imitating art, Karl, or vice versa?
    My current summer wardrobe is all trends, then; blues, greens and yellows hang in my closet, with a few touches of coral for effect. No joke. I can’t believe old beige, black and green Moi bought that stuff, but I’m liking it. Go for it on your web page, buddy; have a spring fling with color. Lots easier and cheaper than re-decorating a house or a person.

  4. nicole says:

    Blues and greens were like so two weeks ago.
    Get with it, you Michigan-der.
    The ALWAYS fashionable, NEVER out of touch with color trends,
    Ps–my advice is free

  5. DEAN says:

    you know your kids look great in blue and green. but bens pants just have to go. looking at the kids is it hot or cool out there, ben wears a jacket and lucia doesn’t wear a jacket. i just love their smiles.

  6. Karl says:

    Dad, ha ha! I love the play on words. Answer? A little of both, I guess.
    Nicole, what can I say? You’re just way cooler than I am.
    Dean, it’s been a little chilly and overcast lately. Still, Lucia refuses to wear a jacket. We’re just happy when we can get her to wear any clothes at all.

  7. Nicole says:


    You’re just now figuring that out?!!

    As to Lucia’s perference for the nudie-patootie look: she’s totally with it–a good nude tone never goes out of style.  :)

    BTW–Carrie or Bo?

    I miss and love you all!!



  8. Blue and green are probably the most abundantly occurring colors in nature. Having these colors around would also help us to always think about doing things the more natural way. They would be a constant reminder to motivate us to find greener ways to live our lives. We run a directory called the website of Climatarians where we list websites and blogs that deal with environmental issues.

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