When I Grow Up

Sara was in the kitchen, making herself a latte. Ben sat at the kitchen table and drew a picture of only he knows what.

“Momma,” Ben said, still rubbing the crayon hard against the pink construction paper.

“Yes, what is it, Ben?”

“When I grow up, I’m going to be a workerman, a teenager, a lady who serves food, a doctor, a nurse, and a person who sits at a desk at a library.”

Sara smiled.

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5 Responses to When I Grow Up

  1. Sara in LA says:

    I love this! It reminds me how we’re never, never finished being the many things we become. Kiss that Ben for Brian and me both.

  2. Dad says:

    A precious, beautiful moment, involving two precious, beautiful people. It is so important to record these moments for posterity, to help the parents with their faltering memories as they get older and to help the child to know things about themselves that they won’t be able to know any other way. On to it, Karl!

  3. Mom/Cynthia says:

    Atta boy, Ben – no small ambitions for you, darling boy! And you’ll be wonderful at all of them.
    Reminds me of how your mom, when asked in Catholic school what she’d like to be when she grew up, responded after a moment of thought – “Well. either the president, or the pope.”
    You are a pair, as Grandpa says, and we love you dearly.

  4. Mom/Cynthia says:

    I’d just like to add that Ben and Lucy are testimony she’s done better than any pope or president could ever wish to do.

  5. Nicole says:

    Though the actual “Ben” moment set the hairs on the back of my neck to an upright position (only from the mouth of such a sweet babe…), reading the comments from your family members ripped open my already brimming floodgates. How great to have people who love you that much.
    Miss you all,

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