The Ampersand

Simon asks,

I am trying to find information on the use of the sign ‘&’ to replace ‘and’ in English. When is it acceptable to use this sign? I understood that it could only be used for Proper Nouns, eg. the name of a company ‘Fox & Sons Ltd.’ but never in a normal sentence such as ‘this fees & charges handbook specifies the procedures to be followed.’ I’d be happy to know what the rule is.

The ampersand (&) comes from an alteration of and per se and, & (the sign) by itself (means) and. The Associated Press Stylebook says that you should use it when it is part of a company’s formal name, but never simply in place of and. Simon seems to have understood correctly.

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3 Responses to The Ampersand

  1. David Wright says:

    I like to use the ampersand in lists to distinguish sub-items from items.
    for example:
    cars & trucks, boats & submarines, and planes & balloons.
    I feel this use makes it more readable than
    cars and trucks, boats and submarines, and planes and balloons.
    What do you think?

  2. sam says:

    Yes, i agree, this seems to be the most aesthetically pleasing & logical way, and of course saves some time

  3. Jannah says:

    Grammatically, you should be using a semi-colon (;) in a list like that.