
Ben told me yesterday that his new year’s resolution was “to hope that the economics improve.” It was a sweet statement, but I couldn’t help notice that it involved no work on his part—unless you count as work worrying about something over which you have no control.

My resolution is less noble, and it also requires no work: I will not engage in any wingsuit base jumping. Watch this video to find out why:

[wingsuit base jumping on Vimeo]

How about you? Have you made any good new year’s resolutions this year?

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7 Responses to Resolutions

  1. jason harrod says:

    Karl, I resolve to hope that you keep your resolution not to engage in wingsuit base jumping.

  2. Karl says:

    Jason, I was hoping you would resolve to do that.

  3. Steve Schoon says:

    Karl, I resolve to watch that video a few more times. Awesome…I would actually like to try it one time – as I’m on my way to heaven. That would be enough for me. :-)

  4. Natalie hart says:

    I resolve to figure out why the 3 of you prefaced your comment with the addressee’s first name. It did made me smile, but it looks rather odd. Actually, it looks like an example of how not to write fictional dialogue, because, really, who talks like that.

  5. Karl says:

    Natalie, we simply wanted to address each other properly.

  6. Eyveneena says:

    WingSuit base jumping

    Definately something I would like to experience! Great article on element delegation…one I will keep as reference. Thank You.

  7. Neto Demarchi says:

    Why some words are so difficult to understand? I will keep looking to improve my English and do best resolutions as improve it. Nice words!

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